VIC™ - A compiler for Microchip’s PIC® Microcontrollers

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Getting Started With VIC™

Writing VIC™ code is similar to writing Bash scripts except for the fact that there are no functions supported as of version 0.23.

For more details on the syntax and features of VIC™ visit the syntax page after you have completed this chapter.

To get you quickly started, here is a quick description of the syntax:

Let us begin with the Hello World! program for the MCU world, which is lighting up an LED.

Hello World! - Lighting up an LED

This example is available in the file share/examples/helloworld.vic and also on the examples chapter.

Let us select the PIC® MCU P16F690 that comes with the PICKit™ 2 Starter Kit from Microchip. From the data sheet of this MCU, we can see the following pin configuration:

Figure 1. P16F690 Pin Diagram
Figure 1. P16F690 Pin Diagram

Let us select the pin 16, RC0, to which we want to connect an LED to.

Our code will look like this:

PIC P16F690;
Main {
    digital_output RC0;
    write RC0, 1;

That’s it !

Just two lines to light up an LED. And, the code is easy to comprehend.

Understanding The Code

Let us go over each line of the above code to see what they mean.

  1. PIC P16F690;

    This is the one-line header that defines which PIC® MCU this program is targeting. It tells the VIC™ compiler to verify the pin names that the user has used in the code, inform the user if they are wrong and generate custom assembly code for that specific MCU.

  2. Main {

    This is the beginning of the main block of code that will be executed by the MCU. This is a requirement. You will have to create a Main block.

  3. digital_output RC0;

    The above describes a way for setting pin RC0 of the P16F690 MCU as a digital output. The way MCUs are designed today, each pin can be used as a digital or analog I/O port at any point of time in the code. Hence, we have an explicit function to set it. This function will generate the appropriate assembly instructions to set RC0 as a digital output port.

  4. write RC0, 1;

    This is a very important line. The write function can do various things. However, in this scenario, we use it to write the value 1 to the pin RC0. Assuming the LED is connected to RC0, this will set the pin output to 1 and the LED will turn on.

  5. }

    The } here denotes the end of the Main block. There is no semi-colon needed at the end of a block.

For more details on the language syntax descriptions look at the section on syntax.

Simulating the Hello World! program

VIC™ also supports simulation of the code. As of version 0.23, only gpsim is supported as a simulator. However, more simulators may be added in the future.

To add a simulation code in VIC™, we add a block titled Simulator as below. This block has to be added after the Main block in the source file.

Simulator {
    attach_led RC0;
    stop_after 1s;
    log RC0;
    logfile "helloworld.lxt";
    scope RC0;

Let us look at the above code and analyse what we are doing.

  1. Simulator {

    This line starts the simulator code block.

  2. attach_led RC0;

    This line calls the attach_led function to attach an LED to the pin RC0 in the simulator.

  3. stop_after 1s;

    This line informs the simulator to stop the simulation after the number of simulated cycles has reached 1 second. Generally, if each instruction cycle takes 1 microsecond to run, then there will be 1 million cycles run by the simulator before it stops.

  4. log RC0;

    This line turns on logging of the pin RC0. There are various types of logging options and the default logging is to a text file.

  5. logfile “helloworld.lxt”;

    This line tells the simulator that the logging has to be done in an LXT format for the gtkwave application to use. The file name that the logging will be done to is helloworld.lxt, which can then display the waveforms of the digital outputs using gtkwave.

  6. scope RC0;

    If the simulator supports displaying a scope, this will show the output pin RC0 on the simulator’s scope view. This may or may not be necessary if the user is using the LXT file logging option.

    The scope window in gpsim is not very sophisticated, but it does a good job of real time plotting. For detailed offline analysis, use the logging mechanism with LXT files and gtkwave.

  7. }

    The } is always used to close an open block as described in the previous section.

Saving code as helloworld.vic

Let us save both the above code snippets - the Main block and the Simulator block into a file called helloworld.vic.

PIC P16F690;
Main {
    digital_output RC0;
    write RC0, 1;
Simulator {
    attach_led RC0;
    stop_after 1s;
    log RC0;
    logfile "helloworld.lxt";
    scope RC0;
Figure 2. helloworld.vic in a Terminal
Figure 2. helloworld.vic in a Terminal

Building the code

Compiling VIC™ code is really easy. To compile the file helloworld.vic we run the following command:

$ vic helloworld.vic -o helloworld.hex

This creates the PIC® assembly file helloworld.asm that is then linked to form the helloworld.hex file that the user can then use to program the MCU using pk2cmd or a similar tool. The vic compiler internally finds the installed gpsim and gplink to perform the assembling and linking to create the .hex file so the user does not have to do it.

If the user just wants to compile the .asm file they can do the following:

$ vic helloworld.vic -o helloworld.asm


$ vic helloworld.vic -o helloworld.hex --no-hex

Then the user compiles this helloworld.asm the standard way using gputils.

$ gpasm -o helloworld.o helloworld.asm
$ gplink -m -o helloworld.hex helloworld.o

A sample make file is provided in the source code path share/examples/GNUmakefile for the user to take advantage of. The makefile is very generic and the user can just use it for their own VIC™ code. It compiles any file present in the same directory that has the extension .vic.

Running the Simulator code

When compiling with gputils a file with the extension .cod is generated. If you’re using the GNUmakefile to compile the code, then a file .stc is also generated.

The contents of are pretty simple.

$ cat
load s helloworld.cod

The user can manually create this file as well.

This file can be loaded in gpsim using the command:

$ gpsim

This will load the helloworld.cod file into the gpsim memory and it is ready to run. However, the user has to type the run command in gpsim to do that.

gpsim> run

This will start the simulator run and the user can then view the LED being lit.

Another way to auto-start the simulation is to have the following contents in the file. This can avoid the manual run invocation in gpsim.

$ cat
load s helloworld.cod

This file can then be loaded in gpsim using the command:

$ gpsim

Depending on the task being simulated, you may or may not want an auto-started simulation.

Figure 3. View of gpsim before run
Figure 3. View of gpsim before run

Figure 4. View of gpsim after run
Figure 4. View of gpsim after run

Running the code on the PIC® itself

For the PICKit 2 Starter Kit, there is an open source software called pk2cmd that can be used on Linux and Mac OS X to copy the .hex file generated onto the MCU using PICKit 2 Starter Kit. We have not tried with the PICKit 3 Starter Kit, but the user can experiment with Microchip’s IDE or Piklab to perform the writing.

The user can also combine the code generated by VIC™ with Microchip’s IDE or Piklab, and use it that way instead of using gputils. However, we do not support Microchip’s simulator yet as part of VIC™. We may choose to do it in the future.

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Vikas N Kumar (@vikasnkumar) is the author of VIC™. All copyrights belong to the author and Selective Intellect LLC.

VIC™ is licensed under the license terms of Perl.
The development of VIC™ is sponsored by Selective Intellect LLC.

This page was last updated on 2014-12-02 10:39:14 -0500.